Research Is Confirming The Value Of Forgiveness

I get a shiver of excitement each time I see something that scientifically validates ideas that I have believed and been putting forward for quite a while now. Everyone knows by now that I am a “prove-it-to-me” type of person – thus my excitement at more proof! Remember, 25 years ago when my son Andrew used techniques to save his leg from amputation, using these same techniques today has been scientifically validated and is now called psycho-neuro-immunology. I have believed for some time that forgiveness is a prime component of happiness and can in fact lead to happiness. Now there is some compelling research, a book Dare to Forgive by Dr Edward M. Hallowell, a Harvard psychiatrist and two articles on the subject that I have seen recently, which show that the lack of forgiveness can have serious health consequences. In other words, to put it positively – Forgiveness leads to a plethora of both mental and physiological advantages. Surely happiness is the result!

Dare to Forgive
In his book Dr Hallowell, who has thoroughly researched the subject, states that learning to forgive is a process …… not a moment. Furthermore learning to forgive is as important as learning to say please and thank you. Imagine that! ……. you do forgiveness every day just as you say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’!
Dr Hallowell says research has shown that anger, worry, stress and tension lead to high blood pressure, a lowered immune system, colds, headaches, effects your sex life and all of this puts pressure on your heart. Forgiveness has a direct bearing on all of these negatives – improving all of them. He likens learning to forgive as a way of healing these negative emotions, and being of the same importance as for example somebody exercising and modifying their diet to control blood pressure.

Anger affects lung function
Dr Rosalind Wright, an assistant professor of medicine at the Harvard Medical School, did a study, the results of which were published on 31st of August 2006 (online edition of Thorax). In an article about Dr Wright’s work which Amanda Gardner wrote for Health Day Reporter, she said
Hostility and anger have been strongly linked with many other health problems in older adults, including heart disease and asthma. These emotions also appear to have an impact on chronic airway obstruction, suggesting that they could also effect the lungs.
To see if there was a link between anger and hostility and a way the lungs work, Wright and her colleagues examined 670 men aged 45 to 86.
Levels of hostility, measured at the beginning of the study in 1986, averaged 18.5 points on a standard scale, with values ranging from 7 to 37 points. Lung function appeared to decline as anger numbers rose, and vice-versa.
Over the next eight years, the researchers re-calculated the men’s lung function three different times. Men who scored poorly in lung function at the beginning of the study were worse at each subsequent measurement, they said.
The above appears to be proof that carrying hostility and anger affects our own lungs. So why do it? There is a ready-made remedy, which is forgiveness and self forgiveness. I have said so many times that forgiveness is personal, no one else needs to know, and thus forgiveness is for the forgiver and not the forgiven.

Let it go.
Let it go it was an article by Kelly Baker published in the Sunday Telegraph on 15th of July 2007. It’s worth a read and you can Google it. Besides quoting Hallowell and a Sydney psychotherapist, Susannah Paterson, who extols the virtues of letting go and forgiveness, Kelly Baker writes -
Susannah Paterson says: “In our Western, capitalist society there’s so much pressure to just move on and forget” she explains. “Whether our bad experience is major or just something small, many of us are in an enormous hurry to let go. We want to get better and get back to normal, but grief is a process and it takes time to move through it.
Many people suffer great trauma and grief and in the end all of us will experience some grief. Why? Because, unfortunately suffering is part of life. That’s something we can all think about from time to time. If we did we might find we were better able to cope when tragedy stuck.
I often say with trauma or loss or dealing with any negative experience, from ill-health to divorce, it is the negative emotions and the negative self talk that are harmful – and there is a lot of solid research to show this. When negative self talk gets a hold and becomes a habit this leads to depression. 60,000 times a day we talk to ourselves and when negative self talk becomes a habit we become unaware of it. Awareness of our thoughts is a great key – then we can do something about it.

So, harbouring bitterness, anger, resentment, guilt, judgments and more doesn’t help anyone. If another person is involved or has contributed to any of the above then these emotions harboured within yourself don’t have any effect on the other person. However they do have a detrimental physiological effect on you. Your health suffers and by being bitter and angry you affect others around you.
I have friends who after a trauma, particularly the death of a loved one, have ended their long marriage purely because one partner wanted to move on and the other was stuck – leading to more unhappiness as divorce is always a challenge.
Resentment and hatred experienced on a daily basis is self poisoning. The caustic anger generated will damage one’s health and relationships. Forgiveness is something we do for ourselves – it is a most practical tool.
Forgiveness of others and of yourself truly can lead to happiness. Without forgiveness, sometimes true happiness can be quite elusive! In closing let me say one thing about “forgive and forget”. You cannot forget because the way memory works means that with any emotional event it is indelibly imprinted in your memory. You can dull the pain with forgiveness and smile at the memory – particularly recalling the good things.
So, know that there are good scientific and spiritual reasons to forgive. Forgiveness never condones an event, however it truly leads to happiness

All the best,
Sandy MacGregor

Social Security Disability: How to Improve Your Chances of Being Approved, Part 2

As noted in a recent article, a long-term disability can be trying, but the Social Security disability (SSD) program is there to help – if you know how to navigate the system. If you’re filing a claim for SSD benefits, there are ways to increase your chances of approval.

One key factor is your doctor’s determination that you are in fact disabled and unable to work. If your claim is denied, it’s because the SSD-assigned government doctors determined your medical conditions were not disabling. Under SSD law, the opinion of a treating doctor is given greater weight than those of government doctors. Therefore, it’s essential that your doctor supports your claim and makes an accurate assessment of your limitations.

Second, it’s important to continue seeking medical attention. Many disability claimants have difficulty affording continued medical care due to lost insurance or income. Nonetheless, you should seek the opinion of your treating physician, and provide a current record of treatment to prove your symptoms and limitations. You may also want to talk to your doctor about whether you should be evaluated by a specialist.

It’s also important to follow your doctor’s orders, as a failure to continue treatment can negatively affect the outcome of a disability claim. Likewise, be open and honest with all parties – including your doctor and the SSA. Inconsistent records will cause issues when it comes to getting your claim approved.

In addition to these issues, there are other factors that affect the likelihood of being approved. We will cover those further in upcoming articles. After practicing in disability law for nearly 30 years, I’ve learned a great deal about the intricacies of this system and hope to share those with you to simplify the process and to get the help you need, hopefully. Keep an eye here or check out for more insight.

Robertson H. Wendt Jr., a Charleston attorney, is a board certified Social Security disability specialist. Find out more about him at

* Attorney advertising notice: This article is designed for general information only. The information presented on this website should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.

Best Natural Products To Cleanse Your Liver

Liver is the remarkable filter system that takes away the toxins from the air we breathe, the liquids we drink and the foods we eat. You will be wondered that the liver also strains the toxins and harmful chemicals which are absorbed through our skin by those products which we use such as hair dyes, shampoo, skin lotion and tanning cream.

Now, we live in a polluted environment. And many people complain of liver problems due to having processed foods or using chemically rich cosmetic products. Most of them look for best natural remedy to cleanse liver for combating the discomforts associated with a toxic liver.

Though, there are many natural cures for detoxifying the liver but there are also lots of home remedies which offer an individual feeling renewed and revitalized if performed in appropriate way. It is painless also.

But, it is better to take advice from a health consultant before going for liver cleansing. But, Livoxil Capsule offers good result.

Symptoms of liver cleansing: If you suffer from the following symptoms, a liver detox may be a great natural cure to some of your health complaints like skin problems(eczema, acne, dermatitis, boils), feeling sick after eating, feeling usually lethargic or foggy headed often, mood swings, fatigue, headaches, irritability, constipation.

Whatever the symptoms, consume Livoxil Capsule as best natural remedy to cleanse liver.

Natural remedies for liver cleansing: Lots of people have got effective results by following the natural remedies. Have a look on few of them:
1. Garlic is efficient for cleansing liver. Garlic contains selenium and allicin which cleanse the liver and keep well the overall health. So, take the extracts of the garlic which is considered as best natural remedy to cleanse liver. Now, the garlic supplements are accessible in the market in the form of pills and capsules. Besides cleansing the liver, the garlic extract reduces inflammation and removes the growth of the cancer cells.
2. Green tea is another effective ways for cleansing liver naturally. Catechin avoids the erosion of liver cells and also delays the aging. The people experiencing liver problems are advised to taking green tea twice per day. In addition to, green tea also cures arthritis, controls diabetes and lowers the cholesterol. Besides this, Livoxil Capsule can be consumed for quick and optimum result.
3. Apple juice is an effective cure for liver cleanser. Pectin washes out toxins and improves the functioning of liver. Usually the apple juice treatment should be completed within a day time. For achieving good result, start the apple juice treatment in the early morning on an empty stomach.
4. Avocado also offers good result in cleansing liver. It also helps to prevent the accumulation of toxins in liver and increases the strength and functioning of liver. So, the individuals who are suffering from the problems of liver should include a good amount of avocado in their regular diet and it is a best natural remedy for liver cleansing.

Not only natural remedies, healthy lifestyle is very much necessary for achieving a healthy life. So, be healthy and keep your family healthy. Consume Livoxil Capsule as best natural remedy for liver cleansing.

Why Ayurvedic Remedies Are More Effective In Relieving Arthritis Joint Stiffness?

Many people worldwide are suffering from joint pain, stiffness and inflammation. Immune proteins and white blood cells safeguard us from foreign substances like viruses and bacteria. However, in the absence of foreign substances, our normal protective system damages its own tissues. Therefore, you are likely to suffer from various types of Gouty arthritis, Psoriatic arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Many people are also suffering from osteoarthritis. Symptoms of arthritis include joint stiffness, joint pain, joint swelling, redness and loss of joint function. You may also suffer from chills, fever, loss of appetite, loss of energy, fatigue, headache, and muscle stiffness. Arthritis can occur at any age and at any time. Rumatone Gold Capsules is one of the best ayurvedic remedies for relieving arthritis joint stiffness.

This herbal pill is developed using powerful herbs to offer effective cure for stiffness, inflammation and joint pain. You will get relief from arthritis pain because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Powerful ingredients in this herbal remedy relieve you from discomfort and pain.

This herbal supplement offers effective treatment for all types of arthritis like Rheumatic arthritis and osteoarthritis.

This herbal remedy is manufactured using 100 percent herbal ingredients. You can consume this herbal pill without any fear of side effects to cure arthritis and joint pain. It promotes circulatory as well as joint performance. Regular use of this herbal pill relieves you from inflammation, swelling and joint pain. It also strengthens cartilage.

It is highly helpful for people, who are suffering from Rheumatic disorders and cervical spondylitis. You can also effectively cure frozen shoulder problem. It also cures aches, post operative pain and Neuroglia. In view of all these health benefits, it is considered as one of the effective ayurvedic remedies for relieving arthritis joint stiffness.

Key ingredients are Amla, Chopchini, Rasna, Pipal, Rigni, Karpur, Nag Bhasma, Lohban, Sudh Kuchla, Kesar, Amber, Moti Phisti, Sonth, Swarna Bhasma and Mirch Kali. All these herbal ingredients are blended in correct ratio to relieve you from joint pain, stiffness and all types of arthritis.

Rasna offers effective treatment for Rheumatoid arthritis. It also cures nervous system problems. It also offers effective treatment for vata problems.

Moti Phisti improves strength of your muscles effectively. It is an excellent antacid. It offers effective cure for ulcers. It also helps to minimize excess pitta. It improves health of bones and cures joint pain and arthritis.

Swarna Bhasma improves your immune system. This natural aphrodisiac offers effective cure for poisoning, asthma, tissue wasting and fertility. It relieves you from burning sensation or inflammation. It boosts immunity and strength greatly. It also improves speaking capacity, intelligence and memory.

You need to consume Rumatone Gold capsules, which are best ayurvedic remedies for relieving arthritis joint stiffness, two times daily with plain water to get relief from inflammation, joint pain and stiffness.

You can procure this herbal supplement from reputed online stores in the denomination of 60, 120, 360 and 240 capsules. You can place order for these herbal pills from the comfort of home or office.